Gibril Bangura

About me

Colour is language that has no barriers. Colour is a language that unifies the universe. Colour speaks, even without a word.”

My paintings began to have life, and the more I painted [these] colourful paintings, the more I began to experience a kind of break free in my own life. I began to experience peace, happiness,” he said. “The more I paint these things, the more I feel liberated. I first of all saw the healing powers of colours transforming my own life.”

The team at Welcome Place cared about every aspect of our lives. They gave us a sense of pride and security that was lost years ago because of the long civil war in Sierra Leone and fleeing to Guinea.

Some Of My Works

Odio adipiscing mattis in vel ut varius ut dignissim odio ut enim duis a justo rhoncus sed lectus etiam pellentesque nisl mollis pretium nunc.

Artwork 1

Artwork 2

Artwork 3

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